Non-Member High Holiday Information
We look forward to your joining us for High Holiday services. See approximate times for all services on the main High Holidays page.
Chevrei Tzedek Congregation holds services at the Edward A. Myerberg Center at 3101 Fallstaff Road, Baltimore 21209, on the corner of Clarks Lane and Fallstaff Road.
You can order tickets, enter loved ones into the Yizkor Book of Remembrance, and donate Chumashim online using the links below.
Please click the link for ticket prices.
Purchase High Holiday Tickets
Yizkor Book of Remembrance Information
Chumash Donation Form
If you prefer you can download, print and mail in the forms:
Purchase High Holiday tickets
Enter loved ones into the Yizkor Book of Remembrance
Donate a Chumash
For additional information see below or feel free to contact us using the form at the bottom or the page, at 443-992-7485, or email your question to [email protected].
Best wishes,
High Holiday Committee
High Holiday Tickets
Tickets are sold on a first come- first serve basis. Yom Kippur tickets include a light Break Fast following
Yom Kippur services. To guarantee your seats, and to help in our planning, please send in your
form as soon as possible.
Administrative Reminders
Membership information can obtained from the membership committee ([email protected]) or check out our website: (look under About Us)
Consider purchasing your first year membership at Chevrei Tzedek and High Holiday tickets are included! First year membership is available at a discounted rate.
If you choose to join after the High Holidays, ticket fees may be applied to a membership fee.
Special accommodation seating is available see information here. Seats in morning services will only be reserved until 10:30 AM.
The Youth Program holds services for teens and provides childcare for children ages two and
up. Children under two must be accompanied by a parent. Please note that there is no childcare
on Erev Rosh Hashanah or on Yom Kippur between 1:30 and 6:00pm, so if your children will be in shul
during those hours, you must take responsibility for them during that time. Youth Services will be at 11 am on both days of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. If you'll be using either child care and/or the Youth Services, please let us know when you submit your ticket application.
Entries and donations to Chevrei Tzedek’s Yizkor Book of Remembrance can be made by completing this form.
An additional way to recognize or remember a loved one is to donate a Chumash. Please complete this form.
Attire and conduct should reflect kavod (respect) of our sacred setting and solemn services.
Please dress appropriately - no exposed midriff, bare feet, or shorts. Please turn off your phone
or any other electronic devices while in the building. If you have an emergency, call or text
outside and away from the front of the building. Please do not talk in the sanctuary. It disturbs
fellow worshippers and people conducting services. Lobby noise travels into the sanctuary and is
distracting to those worshipping. Please be considerate and keep lobby noise to a minimum.
Chevrei Tzedek Congregation holds services at the Edward A. Myerberg Center at 3101 Fallstaff Road, Baltimore 21209, on the corner of Clarks Lane and Fallstaff Road.
You can order tickets, enter loved ones into the Yizkor Book of Remembrance, and donate Chumashim online using the links below.
Please click the link for ticket prices.
Purchase High Holiday Tickets
Yizkor Book of Remembrance Information
Chumash Donation Form
If you prefer you can download, print and mail in the forms:
Purchase High Holiday tickets
Enter loved ones into the Yizkor Book of Remembrance
Donate a Chumash
For additional information see below or feel free to contact us using the form at the bottom or the page, at 443-992-7485, or email your question to [email protected].
Best wishes,
High Holiday Committee
High Holiday Tickets
Tickets are sold on a first come- first serve basis. Yom Kippur tickets include a light Break Fast following
Yom Kippur services. To guarantee your seats, and to help in our planning, please send in your
form as soon as possible.
Administrative Reminders
Membership information can obtained from the membership committee ([email protected]) or check out our website: (look under About Us)
Consider purchasing your first year membership at Chevrei Tzedek and High Holiday tickets are included! First year membership is available at a discounted rate.
If you choose to join after the High Holidays, ticket fees may be applied to a membership fee.
Special accommodation seating is available see information here. Seats in morning services will only be reserved until 10:30 AM.
The Youth Program holds services for teens and provides childcare for children ages two and
up. Children under two must be accompanied by a parent. Please note that there is no childcare
on Erev Rosh Hashanah or on Yom Kippur between 1:30 and 6:00pm, so if your children will be in shul
during those hours, you must take responsibility for them during that time. Youth Services will be at 11 am on both days of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. If you'll be using either child care and/or the Youth Services, please let us know when you submit your ticket application.
Entries and donations to Chevrei Tzedek’s Yizkor Book of Remembrance can be made by completing this form.
An additional way to recognize or remember a loved one is to donate a Chumash. Please complete this form.
Attire and conduct should reflect kavod (respect) of our sacred setting and solemn services.
Please dress appropriately - no exposed midriff, bare feet, or shorts. Please turn off your phone
or any other electronic devices while in the building. If you have an emergency, call or text
outside and away from the front of the building. Please do not talk in the sanctuary. It disturbs
fellow worshippers and people conducting services. Lobby noise travels into the sanctuary and is
distracting to those worshipping. Please be considerate and keep lobby noise to a minimum.