Honor or remember a loved one by donating a Chumash.
Please complete the form below or download and complete the form here.
Once you have completed the form, please pay with PayPal (click the Donate button at the bottom of the page) , or send a check (enclose your printed form if you have not submitted below) to Chevrei Tzedek 3101 Fallstaff Road, Baltimore, MD 21209 ATTN: Treasurer.
Please write Chumash donation in the note on the check or in the PayPal note.
Once you have completed the form, please pay with PayPal (click the Donate button at the bottom of the page) , or send a check (enclose your printed form if you have not submitted below) to Chevrei Tzedek 3101 Fallstaff Road, Baltimore, MD 21209 ATTN: Treasurer.
Please write Chumash donation in the note on the check or in the PayPal note.