High Holidays Yizkor Book Information Form
If you would like to have the name of loved ones listed in Chevrei Tzedek’s Yizkor Book,
please complete the form below NO LATER THAN Friday, August 25, 2023. If you prefer you can download the form here.
You can check your listing from last year.
Please make a donation for your submissions online or send a check payable to Chevrei Tzedek to:
Chevrei Tzedek ATTN: High Holidays Coordinator
3101 Fallstaff Road
Baltimore, MD 21209
Please write YIZKOR on the memo line of your check.
Recommended donations are $18 each for the first three names and $10 each for additional names are requested.
Names listed together, i.e., Joe and Jane Smith, are counted as TWO names.
For information about special commemorations,
including Hebrew lettering and more click here and/or contact
Nathan Rosen at 410-608-0974 or by email ([email protected])