Friday August 25- Tuesday August 29 Rabbi Rory Katz's first "official" weekend+ at Chevrei
See events listed below--check back in case of time or location changes
Please sign up for a time to meet individually with Rabbi Katz here.
Saturday August 26, 9:30 am Shabbat Services and Celebrations!
50th Anniversary of David Saltzberg's Bar Mitzvah
Aufruf of Zachary Salzberg (son of Ginny and Steve) and Chelsea Soobitsky
Rabbi Katz's first Shabbat at Chevrei
Saturday August 26, 7:30 pm Elul and Spirtual Preparation for the High Holidays
Learn with Rabbi Katz at the home of the Grobanis (Havdallah will be included)
Please bring a pareve or dairy dessert or snack to share.
Sunday August 27, 12:30- 2 pm ECPC meeting and Lunch with Rabbi Katz
at the Reichlyn-Bachman home
Sunday August 27, 6:30 -8:30 pm Coordinating Committee, Mazkirut and Gladstein Committee meeting with Rabbi Katz
at the home of the Saltzbergs
Monday August 28, 1 - 2pm Meet and Greet with Rabbi Katz at Weinberg Woods
in the Multi Purpose Room
Monday, Auguest 28, 7:30-9pm Ritual Committee meeting with Rabbi Katz
at the home of the Cohens