Rabbinic Committees
The Rabbinic Liaison Committee (RLC) facilitates communication to minimize and resolve in a timely and informal manner any complaints or disputes that may arise between members and the Rabbi. They can be reached at [email protected].
The Rabbinic Oversight & Evaluation Committee (ROEC) establishes goals for the Rabbi, evaluates the job performance of the Rabbi, solicits and receives feedback on the Rabbi's job performance, and recommends to the Coordinating Committee whether the Rabbi should be offered renewal of the Rabbi's contract and the terms of the renewal. They can be reached at [email protected].
The Rabbinic Oversight & Evaluation Committee (ROEC) establishes goals for the Rabbi, evaluates the job performance of the Rabbi, solicits and receives feedback on the Rabbi's job performance, and recommends to the Coordinating Committee whether the Rabbi should be offered renewal of the Rabbi's contract and the terms of the renewal. They can be reached at [email protected].
Roles of Standing Committees
- Educational and Cultural Programming organizes and coordinates all adult education programming, including Shabbatot Limudim (learning sessions), mini-courses and Shavuot eve Tikkunim (study sessions - cheesecake included).
- B'nei Mitzvah develops policies and procedures and coordinates activities relating to Bar and Bat Mitzvahs and the B'nei Mitzvah Chug (group). Please see B'nei Mitzvah.
- Communications is responsible for all internal and external communications, such as newsletters, brochures and membership outreach materials.
- Congregational Activities organizes and coordinates synagogue-wide events such as Shabbat dinners and some holiday celebrations.
- Finance and Fund Raising organizes and coordinates all fundraising and budgeting activities.
- Human Resources proposes human resources policies, develops and maintains job descriptions, and coordinates evaluations of employees and independent contractors.
- Israel Action plans and leads activities about the State of Israel and Israeli culture, history and politics.
- Membership organizes and runs membership outreach, orientation and retention activities.
- Chesed develops policies and coordinates mitzvah activities for congregants, such as sending shiva trays and coordinating other shiva logistics, assisting seniors and get-well cards.
- Ritual develops policies related to halachic observance (kashrut, etc.) according to Conservative Judaic standards, and oversees services and ritual observance with the Rabbi’s guidance.
- Social Action organizes and coordinates social action initiatives in the wider community. See Social Action Initiatives for more details.
- Strategic Planning develops processes, membership surveys and other means for enhancing our short-term and long-term direction. Oversees bylaw revision and Coordinating Committee retreats.
- Youth Committee organizes and coordinates programming for youth ages 0-18.
- High Holidays organizes and coordinates Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur services and tickets.