Committees, Coordinators, and Volunteer Administrators
Here at Chevrei Tzedek, our membership is actively involved in all aspects of synagogue life. We take great pride in our very knowledgeable and enthusiastic volunteers who, along with the Rabbi, plan the Shabbat services, make our kiddush time together joyous, plan interesting, meaningful programs, organize fundraising, and support each other in times of need.
The work of our volunteers is overseen by our Chair and Vice Chair and coordinated by our Coordinating Committee, which functions as a board of trustees or directors does in most other organizations. The Coordinating Committee is comprised of our elected officers (Chair, Vice Chair, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and Treasurer), our immediate past chair, the chairs of our standing committees, and our Rabbi,
The work of our volunteers is overseen by our Chair and Vice Chair and coordinated by our Coordinating Committee, which functions as a board of trustees or directors does in most other organizations. The Coordinating Committee is comprised of our elected officers (Chair, Vice Chair, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and Treasurer), our immediate past chair, the chairs of our standing committees, and our Rabbi,
Standing Committees
- Building works with the Myerberg Center on facilities issues, including reserving dates and providing guidance for the set up of special events.
- Chesed embodies the caring community that is Chevrei Tzedek. The committee develops policies and offers assistance for members during challenging times. In conjunction with the Rabbi, the committee supports mourners during their grief, including assisting with shiva logistics and providing a meal of consolation. In addition, the committee helps coordinate community support for members during serious illness and other needs, and offers programming on sensitive lifecycle topics.
- Communications is responsible for all internal and external communications, such as the weekly, calendar, website, and social media.
- Educational and Cultural Programming organizes and coordinates all adult education programming, including Shabbatot Limuds, mini-courses and Shavuot eve Tikkunim.
- Finance and Fund Raising organizes and coordinates all fundraising and budgeting activities.
- Human Resources proposes human resources policies, develops and maintains job descriptions, and coordinates evaluations of employees and independent contractors.
- Israel Action are members of Chevrei Tzedek who have visited or lived in Israel, and stay current with events there. We believe in the Zionist vision that Israel is the democratic nation state of the Jewish people in its historic homeland, and we advocate for its support as a thriving and robust society. We help instill and strengthen our congregation's connection to Israel, by organizing at least two events per year of an educational, celebratory, cultural or commemorative nature.
- Membership organizes and runs member onboarding, welcoming, orientation, and offboarding. We support outreach and in-reach efforts.
- Ritual develops policies related to halachic observance (kashrut, etc.) according to Conservative Judaic standards, and oversees services and ritual observance with the Rabbi’s guidance.
- Social Action leads programming in the congregation related to social justice issues. Our three main focus areas are: environmental justice and climate action, reproductive rights and protection of refugees. SAC leads a special Shabbat celebration for each theme and ongoing advocacy and activities across the year. And we contribute to the congregation’s inclusion and outreach to LGBTQ community by supporting PRIDE events and celebrations.
- Strategic Planning develops processes, membership surveys and other means for enhancing our short-term and long-term direction. Oversees bylaw revision and Coordinating Committee retreats.
- Youth Committee organizes and coordinates programming for youth ages 0-18, such as Tot Shabbat; Teen Lunch and Learns; Annual Mitzvathon; Real-Food Farm.
Rabbinic Committees
The Rabbinic Liaison Committee (RLC) facilitates communication to minimize and resolve in a timely and informal manner any complaints or disputes that may arise between members and the Rabbi. They can be reached at [email protected].
The Rabbinic Oversight & Evaluation Committee (ROEC) establishes goals for the Rabbi, evaluates the job performance of the Rabbi, solicits and receives feedback on the Rabbi's job performance, and recommends to the Coordinating Committee whether the Rabbi should be offered renewal of the Rabbi's contract and the terms of the renewal. They can be reached at [email protected].
The Rabbinic Oversight & Evaluation Committee (ROEC) establishes goals for the Rabbi, evaluates the job performance of the Rabbi, solicits and receives feedback on the Rabbi's job performance, and recommends to the Coordinating Committee whether the Rabbi should be offered renewal of the Rabbi's contract and the terms of the renewal. They can be reached at [email protected].
- B'nei Mitzvah Coordinators develop policies and procedures and coordinates activities relating to bar and bat mitzvahs and the B'nei Mitzvah Chug (group). Please see B'nei Mitzvah.
- Cemetery Advisory Board oversee the Chevrei Tzedek cemetery and is the liaison with the Jewish Cemetery Association.
- Communications related:
- Chief Information Officer: Manages the Google Workspace suite and other tech infrastructure
- Social Media Administrators: Manage and moderate the public facing Facebook page, the Facebook Bulletin Board, and Instagram accounts
- Webmasters maintain the congregation's website and online calendar
- High Holidays coordinators organize and coordinates Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur services and tickets.
- Yizkor book administrator collects and compiles readings and memorials for the Yizkor book
- Ritual related:
- Coordinator of Daveners schedules people to be service leaders for Shabbat and Holiday services
- Coordinator of Divrei Torah schedules people to lead discussions or give a short teaching, usually related to the Torah portion
- Coordinator of Torah/Haftarah readers schedules people to read Torah and Haftarah at Shabbat and holiday services.
- Yahrtzeit Coordinator collects yahrtzeit dates of loved ones and sends reminders about when to say Kaddish; the coordinator informs the weekly and the coordinator of Daveners of the yahrtzeits for the upcoming week.