Bnei Mitzvah:
Bnei Mitzvahs are a special time of joy for the Chevrei Tzedek community. Celebrating among people who know you and your child well creates a more personal and meaningful experience for all of us.
The excerpts below are from the Chevrei Tzedek Bnei Mitzvah Policy. To obtain a copy, please contact the Bnei Mitzvah Coordinator or Rabbi.
The excerpts below are from the Chevrei Tzedek Bnei Mitzvah Policy. To obtain a copy, please contact the Bnei Mitzvah Coordinator or Rabbi.
- Families must be members of Chevrei Tzedek for at least one year prior to the ceremony, and must commit to a two-year membership.
- Candidates must have completed six years of Jewish education with a minimum of six hours instruction per week (or an equivalent program as determined by the Rabbi).
- The candidate and his/her family must participate in the Bnei Mitzvah Program (Chug Bnei Mitzvah).
- Families are expected to serve as ushers and ozrim (aides) at one another's simchas (celebrations). Duties include helping to set up prior to services.
- The family engages a tutor, approved by the Rabbi, to teach the Bar/Bat Mitzvah the Torah and Haftarah portions that the child is expected to chant. The candidate meets with the Rabbi twice to rehearse.
- The candidate prepares and delivers an original d'var Torah (Biblical commentary).
- The candidate undertakes and completes a Tikkun Olam (social action) project, approved by the Rabbi.
- There will be a Bnei Mitzvah fee of $640, due two months prior to the ceremony.
- The family provides additional babysitters for their guests.
- The family sponsors a Kiddush Reception for the congregation. See Sponsoring Kiddush.